The Hornady ELD, SST, V-MAX, A-MAX, XTP, LEVERevolution and Monoblock bullets are cutting-edge bullets manufactured by Hornady and used by other ammunition makers as well. Let’s look at just five popular loadings from Hornady. 1. 12-Gauge American Gunner Reduced Recoil Shotguns are an imp...
Similarly, a 7mm 162 gr SST® has a 500 yard radar‑verified average BC of .520. When tested with a Heat Shield® tip, it only gained a small amount of BC ‑ .532. The .012 increase in BC is too small to matter on this bullet at any distance this bullet would expand on ...
“Ten bullets through one hole” is the philosophy that brought Hornady® from a two-man operation in 1949, to a world-leading innovator of bullet, ammunition, reloading tool and accessory design and manufacture today.