Most hormones secreted by the hypothalamus travel to the anterior lobe of the pituitary, where they stimulate or inhibit the release of other hormones. But two, antidiuretic hormone (ADH or vasopressin) and oxytocin (OXT), are secreted into the posterior pituitary lobe by axonal extensions from ...
1. any of various internally secreted compounds formed in endocrine glands that affect the functions of specifically receptive organs or tissues when transported to them by the body fluids. 2. a synthetic substance that acts like such a compound when introduced into the body. 3. any of vario...
Peptide hormones are substances made of amino acids that are secreted by the endocrine system. They're used to stimulate the...
The many hormones secreted by endocrine tissues can be classified simply as: a. steroid or nonsteroid hormones b. anabolic or catabolic hormones c. sex or nonsex hormones d. tropic or hypotropic hormones Low levels of estrogen and progesterone cause the hypothalamus to:...
HormoneissecretedbyendocrineglandEndocrinegland:agroupofcellsandbloodvesselspineal松果体,pituitary垂体,thyroid甲状腺,parathyroid甲状旁腺,pancreas胰岛,adrenals肾上腺,gonad性腺,thymus胸腺 TheEndocrineSystem ---acollectionofglandsthatsecretehormones Theendocrinesystemofthepancreas Glucoseregulationofinsulinsecretion...
In addition to the reproductive system, other systems of the body are also greatly influenced by sex hormones. Medically, sex hormones are used in the substitution therapy of endocrine diseases, in the treatment of obstetrical and gynecological diseases, and in the treatment of neoplasia of the pr...
Sex hormones impact a number of aspects of immunity. As a result of the aging process, dramatic changes occur in the endocrine system, particularly in the sex hormones. Thus, it is possible that the hormonal environment may play a role in the effects of aging on normal aspects of the aging...
Hormones are either classified as proteins or steroids, and they are transported throughout the body by the blood. Importantly, they only target specific cells that have receptors the hormones can attach to, similar to a lock-and-key system. When they are secreted by the glands, hormones trave...
All of the organ systems of your body are interdependent, and the skeletal system is no exception. The food you take in via your digestive system and the hormones secreted by your endocrine system affect your bones. Even using your muscles to engage in exercise has an impact on your bones...
Parts of the Gastrointestinal Tract (GT) including the stomach, duodenum and colon. Duodenum Liver (also part of the digestive system) Kidneys (part of the urinary system) Skin (also known as the integumentary system) Adipose TissueHormones secreted by the main endocrine glands (indicated above...