Analysis: Research finds taking hormones after menopause may cause more harm to women than goodROBERT SIEGEL
whereas the PC group reported a peak in the ovulatory phase. There was a difference between the two groups in feelings of fatigue but not in other moods across the menstrual cycle. The study provides further evidence of the
Hair loss before, during or after menopause—as well as after childbirth—is commonly attributed to hormonal changes. And while most physicians agree that replacing these hormones can alleviate many of the other troubling symptoms of menopause, unfortunately, hormone replacement alone does not seem to...
In particular, much progress has been made around the subject of the menopause in recent years. As a result, instead of suffering in silence, or worrying about unexplained symptoms, women can now more easily access the reassurance and medical support they need to n...
postmenopausal period. Understanding the endocrinology of reproductive ageing in the context of hormonal changes and symptoms appearing during the menopausal transition, is crucial for the healthcare provider as well as for the woman if she is to accept hormone replacement as and when it is needed....
Menopause Menstrual Cycle Mood & Mental Health Ovarian Cancer Sex & Libido Thyroid Cancer Tank Estradiol and Lose Metabolic Flexibility: Pitfalls of Lupron and Oophorectomy byChandler Marrs, PhD December 10, 2024 18817 views Over the last several weeks, I have been looking at the role of estradi...
Skin elasticity also correlates negatively with years since menopause, while hormone replacement therapy increases elasticity by 5 % over a year [91]. Estrogens also accel- erate cutaneous wound healing [92], and many women notice an improvement in inflammatory skin disorders, such as psoriasis ...
Abstract The prevalence of osteoarthritis is higher in women than men, and in women it increases dramatically in the years after menopause. These observations and others reporting a painful form of hand osteoarthritis after the menopause suggest that loss of estrogen at the time of menopause increase...
Although the use of systemic estrogens is not advised in breast cancer survivors, low-dose vaginal ET can be considered for the treatment of genitourinary syndrome of menopause. This can be done once nonhormonal therapy has been attempted and after discussing it with the patient’s oncologist, co...
In summary, our data indicate that transition to menopause and its changing hormonal milieu are strongly associated with both new onset of high depressive symptoms and new onset of diagnosed depressive disorders in women with no history of depression. Further follow-up study is needed to determine ...