When initiating hormone therapy for transgender individuals (male-to-female and female-to-male), it's essential to conduct a thorough risk assessment and consider potential modifications to minimize risks and optimize benefits. Here's an overview of the risk assessment process and possible changes fo...
allowing a period to occur every 3 months of continuous use. The adverse effects of COCs include weight gain and breast tenderness, both of which may lead a woman to quit using the pills. However, up to 80% of patients experience symptomatic relief on continuous oral contraceptive therapy, ...
The main hormonal component of the contraceptive pills my parents were using is norethisterone acetate, a progestin, whereas DES is an estrogen. What estrogens and progestins both have in common is that they are female hormone derivatives, and are basically completely incompatible with masculinity. B...
the effect of testosterone on the skinis to “masculinize” the texture and quality of the skin, while the effect of estrogen throughout the reproductive years of the female is to “feminize” the skin and other tissues. These effects would impart...