Menopause is a natural physiological process that marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years. It is defined as the point in time when a woman has not had a menstrual period for 12 consecutive months and is no longer able to become pregnant. Menopause is a normal part of the aging pr...
menopausetherapyprogestogenReduction of ovarian steroids at menopause leads to significant changes in the urogenital tract. These changes often worsen with time, particularly in nonsmokers, affecting up to 38% of menopausal women. Urogenital symptoms that clearly respond to estrogen therapy include ...
Perimenopausemeans “around menopause”, which is transition to menopause and can start sometimes in women’s mid to late 40s. Irregular periods may happen during this time because of fluctuation of estrogen hormone. Menstrual cycles may be longer or shorter and periods may be heavier or lighter ...
Die wichtigsten Gruppen der Sexualhormone sind Östrogenpräparate und Kontrazeptiva. Danach folgen mit weitem Abstand Androgene, Antiandrogene und Gestagene. Die Verordnungen der Östrogenpräparate zur Hormontherapie in der Postmenopause sind seit 1999 um 78% zurückgegangen. Author informati...
As longevity expands, women are spending a third of their existence in menopause and beyond. The vast majority suffer from symptoms that negatively impact their quality of life. Systemic vasomotor symptoms (VMS) are the classic cluster affecting 80% of p
At Global Life Rejuvenation, we are dedicated to enhancing the well-being of women through comprehensive healthcare solutions. One such solution gaining recognition is Biest Cream. In this blog, we will explore what Biest Cream is, its myriad benefits, and how it contributes to women’s health...
To Women:Menopause is natural, but it is an endocrine catastrophe--the complete failure of your major sex-steroid producing gland. It is equivalent to a man losing his testes. Menopause is natural, but it is the result of an evolutionary compromise. It prevents more pregnancies so that wome...
the right hormone delivery method for menopause often comes down to personal preference. Some women like a patch they don’t have to reapply as often, while others can't stand something stuck to them and go instead with gels or pills. The goal is finding something that feels natural for ...
Hormone replacement may be most beneficial if begun at menopause, but result in transient trauma if begin a decade or more later. The arm of the WHI involving mostly younger women who began hormone replacement therapy in association with hysterectomy showed an increased incidence of stroke, but ...
Protects against heart diseases Increases muscle tone Discover HRT for Women Accelerates fat burning Improves sex drive Stimulates bone growth Prevents vaginal dryness Decreases hot flashes Helps with breast tenderness Discover Max Supplements HRT Max Health is proud to announce that we have finally found...