It is explained that for a frictionless and ideal pulley system, the tension in the rope on one side is the same as the other side. The traction force is defined as the total horizontal component of force on the foot, and the conversation concludes with the question of how to find this...
Physics Basic Physics Components PhysicsWorld BoxCollider CircleCollider PolygonCollider Fixture Components Fixture Box Circle Polygon Chain Edge Joint Components Joint DistanceJoint FrictionJoint GearJoint MotorJoint MouseJoint PrismaticJoint PulleyJoint RevoluteJoint RopeJoint ...
Determining velocity for a pulley/rope system Oct 24, 2015 Replies 1 Views 4K Descending mass on rope attached to wheel Nov 5, 2015 Replies 13 Views 7K Calculate angle of swing in a carousel Jun 2, 2015 Replies 11 Views 4K Finding Potential Energy of a Swing When the Ropes...
The device comprises a casing, a first partition plate, a liquid distribution disc, falling-film tubes, a movable hole plate, a fixed pulley, a pulley line, a suspension liquid collection barrel, a siphon, a liquid outlet tube, an air inlet and a second partition plate. The liquid outlet...