Xbcxbc wrote:I have the G750JW-DB71 model and I have the horizontal lines.I would suggest that you go get the latest and greatest drivers from nVidia. Get the nVidia 665m video drivers. It just may fix your problem if you have not done that already. Just a suggestion. 0 Kudos Rep...
For example, to make a right triangle, draw three lines connecting these four points (the last point is the same as the first to close the triangle): {0,0}, {1,0}, {0,1}, and {0,0}. This corresponds to x = [0 1 0 0]; y = [0 0 1 0]; plot(x,y) Here, the ...
Projected surfaces for each flow pattern were developed – using a specific level of transparency given their order of appearances –, and contour lines were added to these surfaces to show the concentration levels of each regime. The translucent obtained map is shown in Figure 7. Note that an...
✅ Laptop displays tiny consecutive horizontal lines across the screen:Hi, I was using my laptop when suddenly the screen went white and then it blurs out leaving me these ugly horizontal lines across my computer screen...
If the system has a substantial pressure gradient in the fracture, we suggest considering non-equivalent gas influx in the flowback model. Another assumption made in this study is negligible water influx from matrix, which is valid when the water saturation is small, or the capillary pressure ...
I'm currently using horizontal scroll wheel with ".xbindkeysrc" to control volume (Pop OS 20.04) but currently it activates horizontal scroll along also, and I don't want that. Is it possible to disable that? "pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -1200" b:6 ...
References Our data suggest that plasmid-mediated HGT is a common occurrence among leaf nodule symbionts. We hypothesize, however, that as leaf nodule bacteria species diverge, exchange of genetic mate- rial will become limited because of narrowing of Albertsen M, Hugenholtz P, Skarshewski A, ...
(de facto functional) retrotransposon proteins to process, hence to transpose and replicate, their own encoding mRNAs. Our findings suggest thatcis-preference could be a feature of most vertebrate LINE super families. However, LTR retrotransposons are not known to displaycis-preference51and yet ...
Lineage 2 is also formed by 15 families (F14-F28), mostly represented by sequences of the obscura (F14, F15, F17, F20, F26 and F27) and virilis (F18, F25 and F28) groups, which follow the species phylogeny (Fig. 1). In this lineage, one sequence (Jockey_3_Dan_Dana) forms ...
it also needs to be taken into consideration that experiments in this latter study were based on EPSPs recorded from local multifibre stimulations. Therefore, heterogeneity of the afferent input cannot be totally excluded. In summary, these studies suggest the intriguing possibility of activity-depende...