expression。AddHorizontalLine(_FileName_,_Range_) 需要expression。 代表 'InlineShapes' 集合的變數。 參數 名稱必要/選用資料類型描述 FileName必要String您想要用於水平線的圖像名稱。 Range選用Variant讓 Microsoft Word 在上面放置水平線的範圍。 如果省略此引數,Word 就會在目前的選取項目上方放置水平線。
使用HorizontalLineFormat属性返回一个HorizontalLineFormat对象。 本示例设置新的水平线的对齐方式。 VB Selection.InlineShapes.AddHorizontalLineStandard ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(1) _ .HorizontalLineFormat.Alignment = _ wdHorizontalLineAlignLeft 本示例添加一条没有任何 3D 着色的水平线。
Microsoft Word has many functionalities, including inserting horizontal lines. This guide will teach you four methods to insert a horizontal line in Word. Many people choose to work withMicrosoft Wordfor its extensive features and the ability to customize their documents. With tools such as inserting...
wdHorizontalLineFixedWidth-2Microsoft Word 會以固定值 (以點為單位) 顯示指定的水平線寬度 (高度)。 這是使用AddHorizontalLine方法來加入水平規線的預設值。 設定一條水平線相關聯的InlineShape物件的Width屬性會將WidthType屬性將此值。 wdHorizontalLinePercentWidth-1Word 會以螢幕寬度百分比顯示指定的水平線寬度...
本方法在当前文档中添加一条横线。 expression.AddHorizontalLineStandard(Range) expression 必需。该表达式返回一个 InlineShapes 对象。 Range Var…
Tip:Since the line is actually a paragraph, you can create a box by selecting All Borders or Outside Borders. Turn off the automatic line feature Here's how to prevent Word or Outlook from inserting a horizontal line when you type the three shortcut characters. ...
publicMicrosoft.Office.Interop.Word.InlineShapeAddHorizontalLine(stringFileName,refobjectRange); 参数 FileName String 必需的字符串。 要用于横线的图像的文件名。 Range Object 可选对象。 Microsoft Word 在其上方放置横线的区域。 如果省略该参数,则 Word 会将横线放置在当前选定内容的上方。
InlineShapes (InlineShape) HorizontalLineFormat 代表横线的格式设置。 使用 HorizontalLineFormat 对象 用 HorizontalLineFormat 属性可返回 Horiz…
5. If you want to know how to insert horizontal line online with a unique design, you must select the line and press the format option. Trustpilot Recommend WPS Office Free to Use Word, Excel, PPT and PDF Tools Fully CompatibIe with Microsoft Office & Adobe PDF,Support PC & Mobile...
Adding a Microsoft horizontal line is just as easy, but does take a few more steps. In this post, we will show you how to insert a horizontal line into your Microsoft Word Document. Adding Horizontal Lines to your Microsoft Word Document ...