line of sight stabilization 【电】 视线稳定 相似单词 line of sight 【计】 直视线 horizontal line transfer 水平线传导 sight n. 1.[U]视觉,视力 2.[U]视界,视域 3.[U]看见,目睹(+of) 4.[C]景色,景象 5.名胜,观光地 6.[U]见解,看法 7.【口】可笑的人(或事物) 8.( horizontal n. ...
horizontal line-of-sight windsgrid-point statistical interpolation schemeGlobal Forecast SystemEuropean Space Agency (ESA) launched its first space-based Doppler Wind Lidar (DWL) mission called Atmospheric Dynamic Mission (ADM) – Aeolus. Onboard theAeolus mission is the Atmospheric LAser Doppler ...
horizontal line of sight 水平视线相关阅读 便捷的介词用法大全 悲伤时你该说些什么 too和enough该怎么用 7招教你做好笔记 经验分享:你的四六级备考姿势对了吗? 常用英语 你好 晚安 永远 加油 当然 惊喜 微笑 完美 漂亮 没问题 谢谢你 亲爱的 不客气 生日快乐 全部 ...
horizontal line n. 水平线 line frequency 行频,行频率,行扫描频率,线路频率 horizontal scanning frequency 水平扫描频率,行扫描频率 horizontal scanning frequency 【电】 水平扫描频率 horizontal line of sight 水平视线 horizontal scanning line 水平扫描线 principal horizontal line 主水平线,主子午线 vi...
Draw a line perpendicular to thehorizontal axisthrough the point. 通过这两直线的交点做横轴的垂线. 辞典例句 The line of sight must be approximately perpendicular to thehorizontal axis. 视线必须近似地垂直于水平轴. 辞典例句 The two different configurations arehorizontal axisand vertical access wind machi...
目的:观察直肌超长量后退及直肌3根缝线固定矫正水平斜视的美容效果。 更多例句>> 4) Horizontal parallax 水平视差 例句>> 5) apparent horizon 视水平线6) horizontal line of sight 水平视线补充资料:视场 视场代表着摄像头能够观察到的最大范围,通常以角度来表示,视场越大, 观测范圉越大。例如有些摄像头...
Draw a line perpendicular to the horizontal axis through the point. 通过这两直线的交点做横轴的垂线. 来自辞典例句 3. The line of sight must be approximately perpendicular to the horizontal axis. 视线必须近似地垂直于水平轴. 来自辞典例句 4. The two different configurations are horizontal axis and ...
分享到: 水平视线 分类: 心理学|查看相关文献(pubmed)|免费全文文献 详细解释: 以下为句子列表: 分享到:
Distance between horizontal spindle center line and arm surfacemm245 Spindle speed ranger.p.m12steps 60-1800 (H)16steps 65~4660 (V) T-slots(NO./width/pitch)mm3/18/80 Arm travelmm550 Main motor powerKw5.5 (H) 3.7 (V) Torque of X/Y/Z axis AC servo motorN.m...
Define Horizontal scaling. Horizontal scaling synonyms, Horizontal scaling pronunciation, Horizontal scaling translation, English dictionary definition of Horizontal scaling. n the ability of something, esp a computer system, to adapt to increased demand