A horizontal photograph is wider than it is tall, and it captures more of the surroundings. A vertical photograph is taller than it is wide and often captures subjects that are standing or elongated objects like skyscrapers. 11Comparison Chart...
Efficiency and effectiveness were higher for the horizontal device. Assessments of discomfort, effort and ease of use across the different tasks also supported the consideration of preference for the horizontal device in detriment of the vertical model. The results suggest that designing hybrid ...
比较法可以分为横向比较(horizontal comparison) 和纵向比较 ( vertical comparison ) 。 ( 1 ) 横向比较 。 wenku.baidu.com|基于4个网页 3. 水平的比较 虽然过去也有人将比较教育分成水平的比较(horizontal comparison)与垂直的比较(vertical comparison),但是比较教育所关心的 … ...
A laboratory study was conducted to determine the effectiveness ol vertical and horizontal well configurations for ground water remediation using in situ air sparging. A lexan lank was designed and constructed to allow both the visualization of air flow and quantitative measurement of the distribution ...
Comparison Between Horizontal and Vertical Axis Wind Turbines The following table summarizes some of the main differences between horizontal and vertical-axis wind turbines: Conclusion Horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs) and vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) are two types of wind turbines that dif...
There are actually two distinct types of vertical milling machines: turret milling machines and bed milling machines. In a turret milling machine, the spindle and table can move perpendicular and parallel to the axis. In comparison, bed milling machines only move the table perpendicular to the axi...
Previous works have not addressed the trade-offs in using these two types of CS on the delay and the number of multiplier block adders. We provide a comparison of hardware reductions achieved using the horizontal and the vertical CS in realizing digital filters. We show that the CSE technique...
wherefirmslocatedifferentstagesof productionindifferentcountries.ThebulkofFDIishorizontalratherthanvertical.That developedcountriesareboththesourceandthehostofmostFDIsuggeststhatmarket accessismoreimportantthanreducingproductioncostsasamotiveforFDI. Brainard(1993)reportsthatforeignaffiliatesownedbyUSmultinationalsexport only...
The cavities were first tested in a vertical cryostat. After this they were equipped with all auxiliary components like main-power and higher-order-mode couplers, helium tank, tuning system and magnetic shielding and tested in a horizontal test cryostat. After installation in the linac the ...
The aim of the present study was to compare horizontal and vertical cephalometric distances with regard to heritability. The material used consisted of 56 pairs of twins of the same sex ranging from 13—20 years of age. Heritability (h2) and cultural inheritance (c2) were determined according ...