《地平线:黎明时分(Horizon: Zero Dawn)》是由Guerrilla Games开发、索尼互动娱乐发行的动作角色扮演游戏。游戏中玩家操控的主角是生活在被机械占领的世界的女猎人埃洛伊(Aloy),她能以远射武器、冷兵器、长矛或隐蔽战术与机器生物或其他敌人作战并从遗骸中掠夺资源、透过技能树获得新能力,同时探索开放世界进行主线及...
《地平线:黎明时分(Horizon: Zero Dawn)》是由Guerrilla Games开发、索尼互动娱乐发行的动作角色扮演游戏。游戏中玩家操控的主角是生活在被机械占领的世界的女猎人埃洛伊(Aloy),她能以远射武器、冷兵器、长矛或隐蔽战术与机器生物或其他敌人作战并从遗骸中掠夺资源、透过技能树获得新能力,同时探索开放世界进行主线及...
Horizon:Zero Dawn(HZD)是一个别具一格的开放世界RPG游戏。作为bioware和CD Projekt RED的忠实拥趸,HZD并没有让我觉得“画虎不成反类犬”,反而是“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”。我觉得低于Witcher 3,持平Mass Effect 1,高于Dragon Age 三部曲和ME以及Witcher其他两部是一个合理的评价。当然,HZD对标的不仅是B社和C社的R...
Horizon Zero Dawn recently reached two major milestones: the game turned one, and it crossed the 7.6 million mark in sales numbers. To celebrate this momentous occasion, we released a free avatar bundle and Photo Mode theme for PlayStation 4. In addition, we’re running several promo discounts...
Horizon Zero DawnYoung Aloy One day, after being shunned while picking berries with other Nora children, Aloy ran away in a fit of rage and accidentally fell down a hole into a ruin of the Old Ones, a place forbidden for Nora to enter. While exploring the cave in search of an exit,...
Currently the RTX20xx series is not too bad for what i use it for (not Cyberpunk), and the availability of the new RX6xxx series GPU is nil where i live, so thats not really an option (yet). I have thought a lot about the possibility of Nvidia purposely crippling older hardware via...
Disfruta de una apasionante combinación de acción, exploración, personalización y desternillante humor de LEGO. Para fans de LEGO nuevos y veteranos Disputa emocionantes combates con espectaculares armas, potenciadores y artilugios. Cuatro amigos, una misión ...
Since you’ve cleared all six bandit camps, Nil should appear just outside the northern part of the camp. Go and talk to him to find out he’s a bit disappointed there aren’t any bandit camps left in the world. He says he will meet you on top of a plateau south of Meridian...
Bloody Nora - Review republished on 20th April, 2021: With Horizon Zero Dawn primed to be offered for free as part of Sony's Play At Home initiative, we're b...
Nature has reclaimed the planet. Awe-inspiring machines dominate the land, as humanity fights for survival on this new Earth. Co-created by one of the writers of the Horizon Zero Dawn game – Anne Toole. Horizon Zero Dawn#1 will be on sale on August 5th!