HORIBA Scientific offers 200 years of experience in developing high-performance scientific instruments and analytical solutions for life sciences, material sciences, water, energy and many other applications.
HORIBA Scientific, world leader in Raman microscopy, announces the new LabRAM Odyssey, a fully automated and remotely controllable system. Read more HORIBA debuts new Raman microscope for semiconductor analyses 04/18/2023|Press Release LabRAM Odyssey Semiconductor for semiconductors R&D process qualificati...
HORIBA Scientific offers 200 years of experience in developing high-performance scientific instruments and analytical solutions for life sciences, material sciences, water, energy and many other applications.
HORIBA Scientific offers 200 years of experience in developing high-performance scientific instruments and analytical solutions for life sciences, material sciences, water, energy and many other applications.
HORIBA Scientific offers 200 years of experience in developing high-performance scientific instruments and analytical solutions for life sciences, material sciences, water, energy and many other applications.
HORIBA Scientific offers 200 years of experience in developing high-performance scientific instruments and analytical solutions for life sciences, material sciences, water, energy and many other applications.
HORIBA Scientific offers 200 years of experience in developing high-performance scientific instruments and analytical solutions for life sciences, material sciences, water, energy and many other applications.
HORIBA Scientific 可认领 公司介绍 HORIBA通过遍布全球的运营公司,提供面向多个行业的广泛的仪器和系统,其中包括汽车研发、过程和环境监测、体外医疗诊断、半导体生产与计量以及多种科学研发与质控测量。HORIBA出类拔萃的质量和值得信赖的性能,赢得了客户的广泛的信赖。
规格型号 HORIBA Scientific XploRA™PLUS 分析显微镜 HORIBA Scien XploRA INV 实验室显微镜 HORIBA Scientific LabRAM HR Evolution 实验室显微镜 HOR MacroRAM™ 拉曼式光谱仪 HORIBA Scientific iHR320 光学光谱仪 HORIBA Scientific LabRAM HR Evo Nano 实验室显微镜 HORIBA Scientific DeltaFlex 荧光寿命测量...