Before leaving town, sell to a vendor to clear out your bags. Leave Razor Hill by running mainly east to reach the beach. Make your way into the water and find Gnomish Toolboxes at the bottom. Kill everything in the area until A Solvent Spirit is complete. Then run west past Razor ...
Either bought from vendors, rewarded through quests, or found randomly throughout the world, a fishing pool is the most basic, yet most important of tools. Fishing Pole: The basic Fishing Pole, purchased from any Fishing Supplies or Trade Supplies vendor in the world. Strong Fishing Pole: An...
DISCLAIMER: This guide doesNOTtake into account tradeskills, class specific quests or PvP.It’s 100% focused on getting the most experience possible in the shortest possible timewhile doing a lot of quests and enjoying as much content as possible. Any race/class combination can do this guide....
I know this guide is not as great as the, but this guide here can help a lot with the quests you can get and do as horde. Horde Leveling 40-60 Instance Leveling. -Instance leveling is the fastest way to power-level. You will need a steady group from here , but the time investment...
Black Market Class Mounts Crafted / Profession Expansion Features Festivals & Events Loot Promotional, Shop, TCG PvP Rewards Questing & Exploration Race / Rep - Alliance Race / Rep - Horde Reputation - Other Vendor - Misc. Retired / Discontinued Never Implemented Unused AppearancesMount ThemesMechanic...
class specific quests or PvP.It’s 100% focused on getting the most experience possible in the shortest possible timewhile doing a lot of quests and enjoying as much content as possible. Any race/class combination can do this guide. Any complaints about PvP, tradeskills, or class specific is...
Bags– Try to at least have18-slotbags. We’ll go on long circuits far from any vendor, so bag space is necessary. If you can’t afford 18-slot bags, go for16-slotones, they are much cheaper. Color Code: Quests Items Locations ...
Bags– Try to at least have18-slotbags. We’ll go on long circuits far from any vendor, so bag space is necessary. If you can’t afford 18-slot bags, go for16-slotones, they are much cheaper. Color Code: Quests Items Locations ...