Gearbox and Hopoo Games today announced a release date for both Risk of Rain Returns and Risk of Rain 2: Survivors of the Void. Both are due out on November 8, 2023. Risk of Rain Returns is a complete remake of the original game from the ground up with additional features, enhanced vi...
游戏联盟GameLeague 24-09-3 18:07 发布于 安徽 来自 Steam超话 《雨中冒险》系列开发工作室 Hopoo Games 成员宣布加入 Valve 从事游戏开发工作,因为这一变化,他们将停止开发未公布新作“Snail”。“过去是激动人心、变革不断的 12 年。我们为拥有这样的机会感到幸运,并深深感谢我们的团队和支持我们和游戏的粉丝...
2: The next patch is, and includes the Skills 2.0 content update (see roadmap below) which will also come with the patch that came shortly after it was released on PC, addressing regen and bugs. ** This patch is currently in progress, and is planned to show up mid-December. While we...