一种根据Hopfield模型的神经网络,用于运行一个高速包转接器,特别是用于宽带交换系统. A neural network according to Hopfield model, used to run a high-speed packet adapter, in particular for a broadband switching system. 最佳参数以一种新颖的有条理的方法建立,并且强加的归整值基本上用于提高收敛速度. ...
2) Hopfield neural network model Hopfield神经网络模型 1. The asymptotic behavior of solutions toHopfield neural network modelwith delays were investigated. 考虑了一类具有时滞的Hopfield神经网络模型解的收敛性。 更多例句>> 3) fuzzy hopfield neural network ...
Hopfield Neural NetworkHebbian learning ruleGenetic algorithmPattern recallingIn the present paper, an effort has been made to compare and analyze the performance for pattern recalling with conventional hebbian learning rule and with evolutionary algorithm in Hopfield Model of feedback Neural Networks. A ...
朱 双,雷 婷 (西南交通大学数学学院,成都611756)摘要:利用不等式技巧讨论一类具有变时滞的H o p f i e l d 神经网络系统的动力学行为,证明该系统拉回吸引子的存在性和唯一性.关键词:H o p f i e l d 神经网络;变时滞;拉回吸引子;存在性;唯一性中图分类号:O 175.29 文献标志码:A 文章编号:...
Thediscrete-timemodel usesbipolar threshold logic unitsand thecontinuous-timemodel usesunipolar sigmoid activation function. The Hopfield networks arethe classical recurrent neural networks. 1 Hopfield神经网络原理 Hopfield网络相当于一个具有多个吸引子的系统。(对于吸引子的大致定义:落入吸引子附近的状态都会被吸...
Hopfield Network (霍普菲尔德网络),是 Hopfield 在1982年提出的一种基于能量的模型,发表的文章是 Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational abilities。基本结构如下图所示:首先我们来看Hopfield Network的一句话定义:Hopfield Network is a model that can reconstruct data after being ...
N, sV(2,:), '-', 1:N, xV(2,:), '--',1:N+1,x2,'k') %legend('RBFNN Model ...
用符号替换方法实现Hopfield神经网络模型 Implementation of Hopfield Neural Network Model with Symbol Substitution 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 59 作者:Ping Guo,Yinguan Sun 摘要: Hopfiled 模型是神经网络系统的一种模型,神经网络系统能进行并行计算和联想记忆提取.由于光学系统满足巨大的并行性及全面互相联结...
The GRN model of this paper is based on the artificial neural network, discretized Hopfield Network.In this paper, they use the static gene expression profiles to construct the discretized Hopfield Network to mapping cancer subtypes onto the attractors of the landscape. ...
To overcome such problems, in 1984, Hopfield proposed another continuous time recurrent neural network model with a graded response. It is described by a set of differential equations. This deterministic system has collective properties very close to the earlier stochastic model. Today, this model ...