I’m sure you’re all aware of the alleged incorrectness of sentence-adverbial (or “speaker-oriented”) hopefully (for a discussion of why apparently pointless decisions to chastise one sentence adverb and not another get made, see this LH post from last year). Well, Mark Liberman over at...
However, I have been reading a lot about World War Two spies in readiness for another story. And during one of my days out this summer, I was lucky enough to see a Second World War aeroplane that I associate with spies but more of that another day. If you can’t wait, you can see...
but the idea of being a teenager didn’t really emerge until mid 20th century. Prior to this children left school at a young age and went straight into work. They dressed like their parents and worked long hours like their parents. Compulsory education, coupled with ...
Uninstall the Java browser plug-in. This is one of the most popular attack vectors for malware, and Oracle doesn’t make it very easy for users to keep Java up to date. You can also disable the browser plug-in functionality in the Java control panel if you prefer to keep Java installed...
this here, since I don't have enough time to explain it and I can't explain it to well. Anys back to path (this assumes you are using /bin/sh or bash). If you want to see you current path try this command: echo $PATH this print your current path. To set your path it would...
Of course, you were not alone on this grant application, so you should let your partners know about the outcome before they ask you. So there are two possibilities, either you decide to pull yourself together, because, well, you’re a scientist, right? Or you just let it go and move ...