2. “Well”不仅指身体“健康”,也表示心理或生活“平安顺遂”。所以这是一种比较全面的问候和关心。...
*顺便说一下句中的well可以做形容词,表示“良好的、健康的、适宜的”,比如All is well里面的well就是形容词做表语,整句话意思是“一切都好”。相当于我们常见或常用“展信悦”等意思。另外,写贺卡时,老外也时常写I hope this card finds you well.签名售书时,作者也可以在新书上写:I hope this card ...
hope this email finds you well翻译hope this hope this email finds you well翻译 “hope this email finds you well”的中文翻译是:希望这封电子邮件在你收到时一切都好。。©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
“I hope this email finds you well” is a formal and polite way of expressing your well-wishes toward the recipient or showing interest in their well-being. It’s OK to say, “I hope this email finds you well” as a formal email greeting, but it’s often overused and may come acros...
“I hope this letter/email finds you well.” 这句话是老外写信或 email 时的常用开篇问候语,它的字面意思是: 我希望您收到此 email 时一切都好! *顺便说一下句中的 well 可以做形容词,表示“良好的、健康的、适宜的”,比如 All is well 里面...
not only make a difference in their lives but also provide you with a rewarding experience 这封邮件邀请Peter参加下周五下午在社区敬老院举办的志愿者活动。活动内容包括帮助老人打扫房间、与他们聊天,以及才艺表演。参与者可以为老人带来一些小礼物,如鲜花或水果。作者希望Peter能参加,并相信这次活动不仅能帮助...
“I hope this email finds you well” is a formal and polite way of expressing your well-wishes toward the recipient or showing interest in their well-being. It’s OK to say, “I hope this email finds you well” as a formal email greeting, but it’s often overused and may come acros...
email finds you well的用法 hope this email finds you well的用法【释义】hope this email finds you well 希望这封邮件能找到你 【例句】1I hope this email finds you well.我希望这封邮件能被你看到。2What's up?I hope this email finds you well.有什么事吗?我希望这封邮件发现您一切都好。
在学习英文的过程中,不知大家是否有过这样的感受:英语中有一些说法比较反直觉(比如Will的美语课在前面介绍过的“all is well”)。今天和大家聊聊另一个类似的说法:“I hope this email finds you well”。这个看似奇怪的说法,它是否正确,或者说地道呢?
A Dear Ann,I hope you're well. I'm on holiday in London with my friend Lucy. We arrived there by plane on Monday. On Tuesday we saw Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. On Wednesday we visited the British Museum and had dinner in a Chinese restaurant. On Thursday we went to Tower Bri...