I hope you had a good weekend. 3How are you doing? “How are you doing?” is an expression that English speakers use to ask how another person is feeling or handling a situation. As an email greeting, it’s an appropriate way to acknowledge the recipient before getting to your email’...
especially if you mention something personal you remember from past conversations (“Did you have a chance to get the boat out on the lake this weekend? The weather was gorgeous.”
If the receiver previously mentioned their weekend plans, you could extend this greeting by adding in more specific details to show you remembered. For example: Hi Marsha, Hope you had a great weekend! The weather looked great for your hike. I wanted to jump on a quick call around 12pm t...
5. “Hope you had a good weekend!” If you are sending a work colleague a business email at the start of the workweek, you use this phrase. It basically says three basic things: it sends them a greeting, it inquires about their state of mind, and it reminds both of you that the w...
Hope y'all have a great weekend! Hope y'all enjoy the party! Hope y'all are doing well. Hope y'all had a good time. Hope y'all can make it to the event. Show examples from the web [+] Last updated:October 25, 2024 Alternatives: ...
We had a fantastic stay here. Luan is an amazing host and was so helpful in every way making our visit very special and stress free. Would highly recommend staying here. Food is also great! . Also situated on the river so you can hear the forest alive early in the morning and at nig...
A B C 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13.Whatisthemanplanningtodo? A.Readbooksathome. B.Findanewjob. C.Gosnowboarding. 14.Whydidn’tthemanrentacabin? A.Becausehiscousinhadonethere. B.Becauseitwastooexpensivetorent. C.Becauseitwasfarawayfromtheskispots. ...
“We essentially had three networks, one of whom covered this, and the audience didn't have the same alternatives. “It’s a very different time. Yeah, calling it a Skins Game and playing it on a Friday, that’s history. But you got to do a lot more than just reflect on history ...
Sure, you had a few wobbles. Everyone has. But your imbalances seem to be triggered by other events, a job rejection or a spat with a friend perhaps, but it was always temporary. Not by the lock-down itself. You have very little money left but you don’t seem to mind. You’re ...
I had a great time taunting Damian for his pink drink in the previous shot. It had lavender in it. If you asked me the very last drink I’d think Damian would ever order, I might say, “A pink fruity drink with a purple flower in it.” Guess I was wrong about that. After I ...