Hope for the HopelessFor those who feel hopeless, the Bible offers numerous examples of individuals who found hope in God amidst dire circumstances. The account of Job is a profound illustration of hope in suffering. Despite losing everything, Job declares, "Though He slay me, I will hope ...
“It is impossible for God to lie” (Heb. 6:18 NLT). Scripture could not be more forthright. “God . . . cannot lie” (Titus 1:2 ASV). Deceit is simply not an option. “He doesn’t break promises!” (Titus 1:2 MSG). Human beings are made in the image of God. How does ...
Prayer:Father, thank you for the continual hope we find in Jesus Christ. Thank you that there is no person or situation too far gone. Thank you that all things are possible for those who believe. Thank you that you can always do the impossible. Give us eyes to see your goodness. Give...
Hope for Parvina December 10, 2024 Changing lives through prayer December 5, 2024 Slavica's story December 2, 2024 Hope and healing in Poland November 29, 2024 Christmas in a war zone November 28, 2024 Fresh bread for Tamara November 27, 2024 ...
I praise youfor the promise—repeated many times through scripture—that upon our physical deaths, those of us who believe in Christ will live forever with you, surrounded by the wonders of heaven[9]. I praise you,Lord Jesus, we’ll even sitwithyou on your throne[10]!
I have always turned to this Book when I am in the middle of a hopeless situation, when the circumstances in which I find myself offer absolutely no anticipation of salvation for myself or for someone I hold dear. Each time I spend time with these verses, I come away refreshed by the...
At City on a Hill, we have become Addicted to Hope. We grew up Addicted to Ourselves–but over time, through experiencing grief, seasons of humility, tears, many battle tested years learning to pray–as a church body, we have become obsessed with providing Hope to the Hopeless. ...
17. “The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.” — Barack Obama Also featured in: Make ...
Hope for when you feel hopeless. In a world that disappoints again and again, you have an unshakable hope. Remember that God never fails in a world that disappoints and reclaim your hope in Him through 60 days of warm, story-based devotions from Lori Hatcher. ...
and that counter-truth is that JESUS is fighting for us in this situation, as are the angels. Knowing that, if we say 'our spouse is not here' about a hopeless situation we can then follow it up by declaring the same words were used by the angels about Jesus: But He (Jesus) has ...