In order to cope with the problem of traffic overloads, load balancing concept can be employed. In this paper, the meaning of load balancing is to ease out the heavy traffic load by migrating bandwidth other stations. The KSBS has some good features to handle the bandwidth allocation problem...
disclosure and use practices described in this Privacy Policy. Please note that certain features or services referenced in this Privacy Policy may not be offered as Services at all times. Capitalized terms not expressly defined herein, shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Terms and ...
Machine reading comprehension (MRC) enables a machine to find from documents the answer to a given question. The task is challenging when there is a so-called reasoning process among several documents before eventually arriving at the answer. We investigate multi-hop MRC in the following formulatio...
The wireless multi-hop network is an ad hoc or peer to peer network, meaning that each node is willing to forward data for other nodes, and that the determination of which nodes forward data is made dynamically based on the network connectivity. This is in contrast to older network ...
4.3.1. Variables The following part describes all the variables used in our formulation, and their meaning in the resulting affectation. For clarity we have regrouped variables according to their use. Role definition: we define for each node u ∈ V a binary variable root(u) ∈ {0, 1} ...
1. A method of differentiated routing in a multi-hop multi-radio wireless network, the method comprising: for each of a plurality of communication links, identifying a link type of the communication link as one of a restricted link and an ANY link; broadcasting a route request from a source...
The previous month the Beat ranked third in the market for the 18- to 34-year-old age group. It grabbed a respectable 3.3 rating, meaning that during any continuous 15-minute period 3.3 percent of Los Angeles listeners, or 343,000 people, were tuned in. The station gained ground on its...
Notes Following the definitions in [1, 2], the term “flooding” shares the same meaning as the term “broadcasting”. Without any ambiguity, these two terms are used interchangeably throughout this paper. References Liu, H., Jia, X., Wan, P.-J., Liu, X., & Yao, F. F. (2007)...
The gener- ated new vector H = (h1, h2, . . . , hn) reflects the more expressive high-level semantic meaning of the sentence. The output of the Bi-LSTM layer is a sequence of hidden vectors H ∈ Rn×2d where n is the sequence length and d is the dimensional size of the LSTM....
increment in 1 dBm up to 97 meaning more than or equal to −44 dBm. Path LossSimilar to RSS but with a different range and0 to 63 to eNodeBsame or different quantization level.(6 bits) LoadBased on the current load condition. It may be0 to 15 ...