whether a proposed minimum admission requirement of 60 per cent in the final-year module of specialisation at undergraduate level could attribute to the course success rate of students proceeding to the BCom honours degree in Business Management with specialisation in Financial Management at Unisa. Regr...
Open EducationDistance EducationLearning ExperienceGender DifferencesStudent support at Unisa involves a range of stakeholders providing academic and administrative support. The study was conducted among Unisa BCom honours students. The main objective of the study was to determine the educational quality of ...
Distance Education (more than 140 students graduated in Ethiopia), continued work with the University of South Africa (UNISA) on [...] unesdoc.unesco.org 这些活动包括英迪 拉·甘地国立开放大学(IGNOU)远距离教育研究生文凭(在埃塞俄比亚,已有 140 多名学生毕业);继续与南非大 学(UNISA) 合作, ...
课程特色 据2023年泰晤士高等教育世界大学学科排名,南澳大学的教育专业位列世界前100强。 • 小学教育(荣誉)学士学位是一个四年制专业学位,为您提供小学教育理论知识和实践技能,助您成为小学教育的优秀教育者; • 根据自身兴趣选择澳大利亚小学课程的学习领域来定制您的学位; • 通过第四年荣誉学位项目,展示您的...
Students are of all ages and levels of maturity and have different needs and views regarding their studies. Unisa should endeavour to meet as many of these needs as is practically possible.SumeiDepartmentvanDepartmentAntwerpenDepartmentInformaworldAfrica Education Review...
据2023年泰晤士高等教育世界大学学科排名,南澳大学的教育专业位列世界前100强。 • 幼儿教育(荣誉)学士学位是一个四年制专业学位,专注于从出生到八岁的幼儿教育学位; • 根据自身兴趣选择一个主修方向来定制您的学位; • 通过四年荣誉学位项目,展示您的研究技能,获得高需求且受欢迎的学位; ...