荣誉学士 VS 普通学士 在中国,本科毕业,通常都会被授予学士学位,即Bachelor Degree。 但在英联邦国家,除了普通的学士学位(Bachelor Degree),成绩优异的学生将有机会被授予“荣誉学士学位”,即Honours Degree。简单来说,荣誉学士学位就是,成绩非常优秀的学士学位。 英国 在英国,不同地区的学制也有差别。在英格兰、威尔士...
荣誉学士 VS 名誉学位 荣誉学士(Honours Degrees)主要存在于英联邦教育制度的高等教育国家,如英国、澳洲、新加坡、马来西亚等等。Honours Degree(亦可参见荣誉学士学位)并不是Honourary Degree(名誉学位)。Hons又被译为优等生学位,表示 “a class or course of degree studies more specialized than that of the ordinar...
那我建议你直接放弃科研。因为澳洲的honors是你能遇到最简单的research degree.
“The minimum entry requirement to the Business School Honours Program is a completed pass degree w...
Dual Honours CS/Maths vs Engineering Hey everyone, I am based in the UK and am deliberating whether I should go for a dual honours CS/Maths degree or jump for an Engineering one. I'm aware that in a dual honours while you do more than half of each degree, at the later stages some...
In particular, graduating with an honours degree increases the entry wages of males from non鈥恊lite universities by about 4%, on average. We provide an explanation for these patterns using the theory of statistical discrimination. We discuss the potential reasons behind the heterogeneous signal ...
友校UNSW金融Hon学渣前来报道,Pass degree WAM76。读hon并不想做科研,纯粹希望可以申请一个英美top ...
:)))论文87.。。。总分88.。。Honours First Class 难度的话。。确实比本科难
据我所知从本校进Hons的一般据我所知一般有三种学位,BSc BSc (Advanced)还有BCST,前两者是Science...
19届。business school honours。痛并快乐着 ———写thesis有点累。大家基本都能first class ...