Check with your school to see what you have to do to graduate with honors. Types The most widely recognized high-school honors society is the National Honor Society (NHS). According to the NHS website, the society recognizes students based on their excellence in scholarship, leadership, ...
Related How Can I Graduate From High School With an Advanced Diploma?An honors diploma signifies a student's superior academic performance. Because of the prestigious nature of an honors diploma, students who wish to earn one must meet more rigorous standards than those required to attain a ...
You may be wondering how I have won so many honors as a commander in chief. 你可能想知道,作为一个总司令,我是如何赢得这么多荣誉的。 2. They all did well in school and took honors classes when available, and some skipped grades. 他们在学校的表现都很好,有机会时还会参加荣誉课程,而且有些人...
Students in the upper percentile of their class – as delineated by each school – graduate with honors. Each school establishes criteria for choosing and awarding honors. Graduating with honors typically means the student received Latin honors like cum laude. Latin honors are nationally recognized ...
to salute with a bow in square dancing honors词组 do the honors尽主人之谊 honors词源中文解释 "卓越学术成就的荣誉",1782年使用,是 honor(名词)的复数形式。早期的意思是“表示尊敬; 提供的礼节”(1650年代),这也是 do the honors(1650年代)的意思,最初指公共娱乐等场合的惯常礼节和礼仪。
Dr. Chapin wasanhonorsscholar graduate of the University of Connecticut, with a bachelor of science degree in chemistry in 1974. 1974 年,Chapin 博士作为康涅狄格大学的优秀毕业生获得化学理科学士学位。 Established in 1993, the Lux Awardhonorsthelate AMETEK Chairman Dr...
D.a thesis is not necessary if an undergraduate wants to go to graduate school.【2】Which of the following is an unnecessary requirement for applicationA.A combined sat I score of 1400.B.A combined sat ll score of 600 in Math and one science.C.Three letters of recommendation from his ...
Intheircontinuedefforts,academicperformanceamongthebest,haswonvarioushonorsschoolcompetitions,nationalscholarships. 在自己不断的努力下,学习成绩名列前茅,多次获得学校评比的各种荣誉、国家奖学金。 30 OnthisMemorial Day,asournationhonorsitsunbroken lineoffallenheroes,oursense ofpatriotismisparticularlystrong. ...
in the summer before their first fall semester starts. By spring of their junior year, students will prepare an undergraduate thesis (本科毕业论文) as preparation for their entry into graduate school (研究生院). At that time they will start taking graduate courses and continue to do research ...
Helen Li is a recent graduate of The Harker School and plans to attend the University of Toronto this fall. Claire Luo graduated from The Harker School this past May and plans to attend Stanford University this fall. Popular Undergraduate Honors Programs College Kickstart LLC InstitutionStateProfile...