The study, summarized in an Inside Higher Ed article, found that the first-semester, first-year GPAs of African American students at an anonymous liberal arts college in the South were higher (2.3 vs 1.9) for students in traditional dorms. The same was true for white students but the impro...
If it is not recognized by the college in question, then a low grade in an AP/Honors class looks worse than a high grade in a regular class. 0 Reply Laura 8 years ago My son is going into 9th grade and was denied access to honors courses in his Florida HS because he didn’t...
The STEM disciplines are strongly represented, however, accounting for 25% of honors sections. (But the science and math sections counted here are also part of the overall liberal arts group.) Engineering and technology, considered separately, make up 8% of honors sections. Admittedly, the “re...
The impact of Honors courses traditionally rests on their small class sizes. “The SuperStudio adds the advantages of experiential, collaborative learning.” said Paul Knox, Dean of the Virginia Tech Honors College, adding that “With our model, we have been able to maintain these advantages thro...
The Honors House Residence is located in West Laville Hall (renovated in 2010) and now in East Laville Hall, newly renovated and open to students in the Fall of 2012. Both are located adjacent to the 459 Dining Commons and the French House, home of the College. About 600 students can be...
the prestigious first-choice private college or public elite–but the need-based aid falls short. The “safe” public university, typically in-state or nearby, now receive more serious attention. It is at this point that the honors program or college can incline a student one way or the ...
Many of the honors credit classes at ASU are large, but the honors-only classes offered by the honors college average 15.9 students. Barrett also makes very extensive use of honors “contracts” that allow honors credit for additional work in regular class sections, some of which are very larg...
Before honors to honors, the number of community college transfers into CHP was extremely low, in the range of one or two students a year. Now, 20 to 30 community college honors students are welcomed into CHP, and the best news of all is that they perform as well as, or in some area...
students studying medicine may be required to have a grade point average of 3.85 or higher to be considered for summa cum laude due to the difficult nature of their program of study. Alternatively, the college of communications may have a higher required grade point average of 3.95 to qualify...
while the College of Pharmaceutical Science and the Utrecht Law College are non-residential. Specific honors education is offered at most faculties of Utrecht University. The students follow at least 25 % of their bachelor courses at honors level, often on top of their regular program. Utrecht Un...