The program runs each year for six weeks, from mid-May to late June, and is limited to fifteen MSU honors students.” The SHC has two honors residence halls, Griffis and Nunnelee. “Griffis is home to the Honors College offices. Both halls are located in the Zacharias Village, convenient...
University Distinguished Scholars were chosen from an MSU applicant pool based on academic records, accomplishments and interviews with the finalists. Students were selected by the director of admissions and dean of the Honors College on the basis of their high school programs, achievements and standard...
Chad Swiatecki
–See more at: Craig Pearson, anHonors Collegesenior majoring in neuroscience, biochemistry and molecular biology in the College of Natural Science and English in the College of Arts and Let...
The program runs each year for six weeks, from mid-May to late June, and is limited to fifteen MSU honors students.” The SHC has two honors residence halls, Griffis and Nunnelee. “Griffis is home to the Honors College offices. Both halls are located in the Zacharias Village, convenient...
Dean Matt Matsuda tells us that “our new living/learning facility houses all first-year students in the Honors College as well as our administrative and advising offices, six seminar rooms, plentiful lounge and study areas for programming, and three live-in faculty apartments.” ...