Honolulu © ErgoSum88 Facts Population 371,657 (2022) Tallest Building The Central Ala Moana (147 m) Building Completions Timeline Not enough data. Please change your search criteria. CTBUH People & Events View all
Honolulu City Council, Dist 9 20 of 20 precincts reporting TULBA, Augusto E. (AugieT) 21,265 votes51.91% ESPERO, Will 19,702 votes48.09%HAWAII: Technical, Linguistic, & Grammatical Revisions of the Charter 43 of 43 precincts reporting YES 57,606 votes75.69% NO 18,497 votes24.31%...
Last year, the Hono- lulu City Council adopted a zoning regulation that bars the conshuction of new broadcast towers in residential and business districts (see MWN, NovemberDecember 1986). (conrinued on oJ51 MICROWAVE NEWS MayIJune 1987 The age- and race-adjusted cancer rates (1979-1983) ...
₋Honolulu is the capital and largest city of the U.S. state of Hawaii. It is an unincorporated part of and the county seat of the City and County of Honolulu along the southeast coast of the island of Oʻahu.[a] The city is the main gateway to Hawaiʻi and a major portal i...
The Honolulu City Council in June accepted the grant from Houston-based Othram, which performs forensic genetic genealogy testing, which combines DNA analysis with genealogy research. So far, Carter said, none of the samples have been identified. ...
The City Council vote last week for the issuing of bonds for rail construction was 6-3 against us. In early 1992 we also lost a City Council vote on rail by that amount. But, by having large numbers of constituents contact their Councilmembers, we wore down our opposition and gained two...
In early 1992 we also lost a City Council vote on rail by that amount. But, by having large numbers of constituents contact their Councilmembers, we wore down our opposition and gained two more votes. We beat rail on September 22 of that year with a 5-4 vote in our favor. It was...
“Anybody who’s unidentified deserves to have a chance at being found and identified,” she said, “and given their name back.” Testing Through Othram The Honolulu City Council in June accepted the grant from Houston-based Othram, which performs forensic genetic genealogy...
Honolulu City Council reviews outside sponsorship of public facilities City audit finds Honolulu’s Skyline falls short of expectations Advocates push for improved family benefits as key bills stall Upcoming Events Wed, Mar 05@6:30pmSponsored ...
Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell and City Council Chair Emeritus Ron Menor, along with members of the Honolulu Police Department, AARP Hawai�i, MADD Hawai�i and the Honolulu Bicycling League, joined together today to announce a package of pedestrian safety measures introduced by the city. 3/1/...