Yukong Random Marketplace ☰ Menu >>> ID132170 NameYukong Other Names Wealth RoleUnsorted Primary AssignmentHonkai: Star Rail Media Typemobile game Voiced ByYumi Touma, 冬馬由美, とうま ゆみ Tagsfox ears Personality Menu Day 0Character of the Daynominations...
Honkai Star Rail yukong dakimakura Anime Otaku 2-Side พิมพ์ลาย waifu เคสหมอนกอดปลอกหมอนอิงน่ารัก Search by image Find what you love with better prices on AliExpress by using an image search...
Here’s everything our best HSR Yukong build: What’s the best Honkai Star Rail Yukong build? Yukong is a four-star imaginary damage dealer who treads the path of the Harmony.She excels as a support, buffing damage dealers and helping them reach their full potential. ...
The official KQM Guide for Yukong, a character in Honkai: Star Rail. Learn about Yukong's best builds, Relics, Light Cones, teams, and more!
Yukong Honkai: Star Rail Wiki Tingyun Honkai: Star Rail Wiki Qingni Honkai: Star Rail Wiki Jing Yuan Honkai: Star Rail Wiki Honkai: Star Rail Wiki Honkai: Star Rail Wiki Fu Xuan Honkai: Star Rail Wiki Foxian Honkai: Star Rail Wiki Dan Heng • Imbibitor Lunae Honkai: Star...
WithHonkai Star Rail1.2 upon us, a free Yukong will be placed in the hands of every player that completes Stage 1 of Forgotten Hall: Memory of Xianzhou, making her a powerful freebie amongst the current list ofHonkai Star Rail characters. You’ll also want to pull extra Yukong or more ...
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Support:Yukong,Natasha That’s it for our take on the best Yukong build inHonkai Star Rail. She’s flexible enough that you can slot her comfortably into any team with a bit of work, but you should be able to find as much success as I did with the above information taken into account...
HoYoverseWhile Yukong isn’t a strong damage dealer in Honkai Star Rail, she buffs the damage of allies. Path –The Harmony Element –Imaginary Yukong is a four-star support character in Honkai Star Rail that can greatly improve the damage output of your team. After using her skill, ...
Yukong’s Skill in Honkai: Star Rail sees her amplifying the ATK stat of all allies while also getting two stacks of a buff called Roaring Bowstrings. Whenever any of her allies' turns end, she loses one of the stacks. If she uses her Ultimate while she still has a stack of Roaring ...