Hoyoverse confirms Honkai Star Rail’s Moze has a new voice actor already in a trailer for another pretty man coming to the Xianzhou. Holly Alice Published: 5 months ago Honkai Star Rail In late July, news came out that the voice actor for the upcoming character Honkai Star Rail’s ...
Welcome to the Honkai: Star Rail Wiki! Come on and join our Discord server to discuss the game or editing! For mobile users, please use the Desktop version to have the full reading experience. Please note that the wiki contains unmarked spoilers. Read at your own risk. Honkai...
About a day after HoYoVersesilently replacedthe voice actor for Argenti and Tail in the English version ofHonkai: Star Rail, the voice actor in question—Adam Michael Gold—made astatementon his Twitter account. Though he did not give an explanation for why he is no longer those roles in t...
Honkai: Star Rail has quietly changed the voice actor for one of its five-star playable characters, with Argenti now sporting a different voice actor on the game's official website. The popular sci-fi RPG from HoYoverse boasts a wide variety of characters for players to choose from when ...
Making Choices In Lovebrush Chronicles, the game revolves around tapping the screen and reading through its narrative or visual novel aspects. The story is deeply engaging, and you have the option to skip text using the arrow at the top right, but I recommend reading through everything to ful...