香港大学 - 经济学硕士 - The University of Hong Kong - Master of Economics Why Master of Economics The Master of Economics Programme at theHKU Business Schoolaims to introduce students to frontier developments in economics and to equip them with state-of-the-art analytical tools. Our comprehensive...
The MGM Discoveries Art Prize, a newly established award for the 2025 edition of Art Basel Hong Kong aimed at supporting emerging artists and fostering new talent, has unveiled its jury of esteemed international experts. They are Aaron Cezar, Founding Director of Delfina Foundation, Antonia...
澳門美高梅MGM與張藝謀聯手打造《澳門2049》:非遺與科技的跨界共鳴,開啟文化融合新篇章 Art & Lifestyle 澳門新文化地標:「保利美高梅博物館」正式開幕,首展呈現海上絲綢之路的文化交融 Art & Lifestyle 專訪美高梅文化藝術高級副總裁 Cristina Kuok,談美獅藝廊的策展願景:文化回憶非常重要 Art & Lifestyle 與...
Cotai Water Jet , meanwhile, works exclusively for the Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal Taipa line with similar frequencies. Both carriers take you to Macao in around an hour with fares ranging from HK$175 to HK$415 depending on weekday or weekend, day or night sail, as well as the ...
Art & Lifestyle 與澳門美高梅MGM合作《MGM 2049》駐場項目,專訪導演張藝謀:「人是最重要的」
Aux Beaux Arts - MGM Macau - Macau top Western restaurant up to 50% off. Best discount guarantee & instant confirmation - Book now!
MGM Macau casino plans $1.5 billion Hong Kong IPOKELVIN CHAN
Coinciding with the 90th anniversary of the Yew Chung Yew Wah Education Network, both the Hong Kong and Shanghai alumni associations organized alumni events on 1 June in their respective locations.
雅吉由秘魯星級料理大師津村光晴(Mitsuharu Tsumura)掌舵,嚴選富異國風味的秘魯食材,配合日本料理追求的精緻與嚴謹,把兩國飲食文化精髓完美糅合,成為澳門首家呈獻前衛新穎的日式秘魯菜(Nikkei Cuisine)食府。 營業時間 星期一 / 星期三至星期五:晚上6點至11點 ...
by VOGUE HONG KONG美高梅與保利文化集團於去年已達成全面文化藝術合作協定,「瑰寶傳承:保利文化美高梅 譜寫華章慈善拍賣之夜」晚宴在澳門美高梅天幕廣場舉行,出席主禮嘉賓包括保利集團副總經理、保利藝術博物館館長劉軍才;保利文化黨委副書記、總經理郭文鵬;黨委副書記、董事徐碚;以及美高梅中國控股有限公司董事長及執行董事...