Hong Kong University website Learn more Jobs slide1 of 6 Full-time Office Attendant 辦公室服務員 Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong Island 30+ days ago View job Full-time Clinical Practitioner Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong Island 20 days ago View job ...
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"This year, the macro economy has been greatly affected, with sectors such as retail, logistics and hotels bearing the brunt," Kelvin Cheng, acting section head of office of careers and placement services of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), said. PolyU has launched a brand new o...
2.高效工作 说到工作效率,港大真的是不错。各种事情,连报账这些事都不用学生操心。内地学校就得浪费...
Career Adaptability, Self-Esteem, and Social Support among Hong Kong University Studentscareer adaptabilityself‐esteemsocial supportCareer Adapt‐Abilities ScaleCareer adaptability manifests itself through 4 self‐regulated internal resources for coping with occupational challenges and transitions: concern, ...
1. 在港大最好的体验是只要一切按制度办事,那么在工作和生活方面通常没有额外的负担。每个部门不同的...
网传HKUST别称“The Hong Kong University of Stress and Tension”,学业压力非常大。开学一个多月,伴随着工作量的增加,我开始逐渐感受到课程的压力。 首先是PPOL5110这门课,作为公共政策专业的基础课,这门课还是有一定的工作量的,课下需要完成大量的纯英文Reading。由于我之前在内地读本科,基本上没接受过全英文教...
职位名称:香港中文大学研究助理教授 所属部门:语言学及现代语言系 薪资水平:70-90万港元/年 申请截止日期:2024年12月31日 Position: Research Assistant Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Department/ Unit: Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages ...
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我硕士阶段第一个实习就是通过career center拿到的。其次就是学生的student邮箱,虽然它每天都会收到大量...