Hong Kong Time NowHong Kong time (UTC/GMT+08:00):22:17:51 Monday, March 24, 2025Country: China Time zone abbreviation: HKT Time zone name: Hong Kong Time Time offset: UTC/GMT+08:00 Observe DST: NoSee alsoBeijing time China time Singapore time Bangkok time Time calculators...
Hong Kong est la destination idéale pour tous les voyageurs qui ne souhaitent pas choisir entre découvertes urbaines et plages paradisiaques. Pour préparer votre séjour, rendez-vous sur le site de l'Office de Tourisme de Hong KongOuvrir une nouvelle fenêtre>Ouvrir une nouvelle fenêtre ...
Your flight direction from Hong Kong to United Kingdom is Northwest (-32 degrees from North).The flight time calculator measures the average flight duration between points. It uses the great circle formula to compute the travel mileage.Hong Kong Country: Hong Kong Continent: Asia Category: ...
Hong Kong vous attend Tous les passagers se rendant à Hong Kong ne sont plus soumis à aucune obligation de vaccination. C'est le moment de venir à Hong Kong et de découvrir ce qui rend cette ville emblématique si spéciale, avec ses rues animées, sa culture vibrante et ses nombre...
Areas with same time currently (UTC +8). Hong Kong Time (HKT) is 8 hours ahead ofCoordinated Universal Time(UTC). This time zone is in use duringstandard timein:Asia. Where and When is HKT Observed? Asia Asian territories using HKT all year: ...
8:00 PM Toronto Time to Hong Kong Time Toronto Time :8:00 PM (20:00 ) Hong Kong Time :8:00 AM (8:00) Next Day Hong Kong Time→Toronto, Canada TimeConversion Chart (Reverse the chart below) 0:00 AM (0:00)HKT = 12:00 PM (12:00) Previous DayToronto Time ...
Current local time in Hong Kong – Hong Kong. Get Hong Kong's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Hong Kong's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
Hong Kong tide times and tide charts showing high tide and low tide heights and accurate times out to 30 days.
How long is the Hong Kong to Tokyo flight time? Browse departure times and stay updated with the latest flight schedules. Find out more information about the route between these two cities.
Enter keyword to filter flight number, origin or airline: Select date to filter flight number, origin or airline: Select time to filter flight number, origin or airline:All00:00-01:5902:00-03:5904:00-05:5906:00-07:5908:00-09:5910:00-11:5912:00-13:5914:00-15:5916:00-17:5918:00-...