香港电讯 - Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited 香港电讯(香港联合交易所上市代号:6823)是中国香港首屈一指的电讯服务供货商及领先的创新者,透过固网、宽带、流动通讯及媒体娱乐服务,提供广泛的服务以满足全港市民、本地及国际商界的需要,包括本地电话、本地数据及宽带、国际电讯、流动通讯、媒体娱乐、企业方...
HKT is a leading one-stop ICT service provider in mainland China and Hong Kong. Services include broadband, system integration, mobile communications, etc
Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) LimitediPhone GourMax Catering by HKT 美食佳饮 DCK Catering by HKT 美食佳饮 Seamart Catering by HKT 美食佳饮 Asia Pacific Catering by HKT 美食佳饮 Murray by HKT 美食佳饮 Four Seas Murray by HKT 美食佳饮 ...
简介:Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited,成立于2008年,位于香港特别行政区,是一家以从事电话通信,无线电话除外为主的企业。通过天眼查大数据分析,Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited共对外投资了5家企业。更多 评分- 负责人 HON HING, SUSANNA HUI 注册资本 - 成立日期 2008-01-21 0852-28882888...
(m) 本公司 指 Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited. (n) 後果損失 指任何一方的後果,間接,特殊,懲罰性,經濟,附帶或附屬損失(包括利潤,商譽,討 價還價時機或機會的損失;資料損壞或損失;預期節約或業務的損失,不論上述損失是否因疏忽或 其他原因而產生,亦不論損失是否因協議,服務,服務未能提供或延...
HKT is Hong Kong's premier telecommunications service provider and leading operator in fixed-line, broadband and mobile communication services. It meets the needs of the Hong Kong public and local and international businesses with a wide range of services including local telephony, local data and br...
这是新工商名录系列网站香港子站,可免费浏览/Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited的公司信息,包含公司中英文名称、注册日期、公司类型、曾用名等信息,订阅公司报告,还可获取更多详细信息。
Telecommunications Equipment HKT is Hong Kong's premier telecommunications service provider. It meets the needs of the Hong Kong public and local and international businesses with a wide range of services including local telephony, local data and broadband, international telecommunications a...
HKT is Hong Kong's premier telecommunications service provider. It meets the needs of the Hong Kong public and local and international businesses with a wide range of services including local telephony, local data and broadband, international telecommunications and mobile. ...
ለWindows መሳሪያዎ መተግበሪያዎችን፣ ጨዋታዎችን እና ሌሎችንም ያግኙ