The article reports on the opening of the law school Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in September 2006. CUHK will teach a full-time bachelor of laws and post-graduate programmes in Hong Kong, China. In April 2006, Hong Kong's legislature sought reassurance from the university that ...
这是因为law school examination时间很紧张,你每翻一次笔记就意味着少一点时间去写,所以如果你可以考前...
The University of Hong Kong 学校官网 香港大学(The University of Hong Kong)成立于1911年,是香港历史最悠久、声望最高的学府之一。作为一所世界顶尖的研究型大学,香港大学在医学、法律、商业和人文学科等领域享有很高的国际声誉。学校提供广泛的本科和研究生课程,注重学术研究和社会服务。校园位于港岛,环境优美,设施...
AsiaXPAT is Hong Kong’s top website for executives, featuring apartments for rent, classifieds, domestic help and more for the Hong Kong expat.
Our lawyers in Hong Kong provide high quality business and legal services for entrepreneurs who want to invest in Hong Kong or open a company here. If you need a law firm in HK, our attorneys can offer you a wide range of services.
1976, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance enacted, CUHK was established as a collegiate university. 1977, School of Medicine established. 1986, Shaw College established. 1991, School of Engineering established. 2005, School of Law established. 2006, the establishment of two new colleges,...
City University of Hong Kong 学校官网 香港城市大学(City University of Hong Kong)成立于1984年,位于香港九龙。作为香港快速崛起的研究型大学之一,香港城市大学在商学、法律、工程学和社会科学等领域表现出色。学校提供广泛的本科和研究生课程,注重创新和实践教育。校园现代化,设施齐全,为学生提供了理想的学习和研究条...
“Danny Gittings’ Introduction to the Hong Kong Basic Law fills a gap in this area of literature and provides an excellent text for students of law and politics in Hong Kong and China. Mr Gittings is unremitting in his efforts to synthesise, critique and reconceptualise various aspects of ...
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