12 月正值日本雪季,日本 500 多個滑雪勝地陸續開始營業。 十天假期時間足以讓你學會滑雪,充份體驗日本這個滑雪天堂的魅力! 年尾除夕倒數的氣氛不要浪費,大阪環球影城的倒數派對,會點燃 4,000 發煙花,有音樂和燈光陪你倒數。 最大亮點是可以憑特別門票在園內暢玩 26 小時,看完煙花後在熱鬧午夜氛圍下繼續玩各種遊...
雖然國慶係10月1日(六),未能補假,但重陽係10月4日(二),大家只需喺10月3日(一)請假,輕易打造4天假期。 平安夜、聖誕節、2023年元旦(請3日放10日) 僱員可擁有嘅假期為12月24日(六)平安夜、12月25日(日)、聖誕節後第一個周日 12月26日(一)、聖誕節後第二個周日12月27日(二)、12月31日(六)、元...
The government of Hong Kong will release official holiday dates at the end of each year for the following year. Sunday is the only day in Hong Kong considered a rest day. Most holidays that occur on a Sunday are moved to the following Monday for celebration. However, Lunar New Year ...
As Hong Kong's first fair trade brand,@fairtastecarries the mission in spreading fair trade and reducing wealth disparity. They also established their own "Fair Women Workshop" in Kwai Chung, providing women with a friendly and fair work environment. The mooncakes you're enjoying are skilfully ...
*日程表內所列之自費活動,要視乎當時環境,天氣及時間方可安排,客人亦有機會未能前往. Day 1 香港 三藩市(轉機) 紐約 (美國) / 香港 紐約 (美國) Hong Kong San Francisco New York (U.S.A) / Hong Kong New York (U.S.A) 早上於香港機場集合,由美麗華專業領隊陪同乘搭...
China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited & China Construction Bank Corporation Hong Kong Branch (the"Bank") (see Remark) Effective 1 January 2025 SERVICES Fees COUNTER SERVICES Cashier's Order • Issuance commission F For Packaged Banking customers - PRIVATE WEALTH / - NIL PREMIER ...
The government of Hong Kong will release official holiday dates at the end of each year for the following year. Sunday is the only day in Hong Kong considered a rest day. Most holidays that occur on a Sunday are moved to the following Monday for celebration. However, Lunar New Year ...
China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited & China Construction Bank Corporation Hong Kong Branch (the"Bank") (see Remark) Effective 1 January 2025 SERVICES Fees COUNTER SERVICES Cashier's Order • Issuance commission F For Packaged Banking customers - PRIVATE WEALTH / - NIL PREMIER ...
China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited & China Construction Bank Corporation Hong Kong Branch (the"Bank") (see Remark) Effective 1 January 2025 SERVICES Fees COUNTER SERVICES Cashier's Order • Issuance commission F For Packaged Banking customers - PRIVATE WEALTH / - NIL PREMIER ...
The government of Hong Kong will release official holiday dates at the end of each year for the following year. Sunday is the only day in Hong Kong considered a rest day. Most holidays that occur on a Sunday are moved to the following Monday for celebration. However, Lunar New Year ...