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Hong Kong is being urged to expand its maritime insurance sector as a means of improving and promoting its marine industry. Experts have lobbied for the opening of regional offices of the main P&I Clubs in Hong Kong, with links to London and other key underwriting markets as such operations...
Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee delivers his third Policy Address today (Oct. 16) at the Legislative Council. He stressed that the HKSAR Government will consolidate and enhance Hong Kong's status as an international trade center. He said that the Government would strengthen the provision of h...
The visit of national team athletes to Hong Kong is a decades-long tradition. "The visits of athletes of the national team to Hong Kong in the past have always been a craze in the city, bringing a joyful and festive atmosphere to the community," said the chief executive. "We are lookin...
Hong Kong's Food and Health Bureau has released long-awaited details of a new government-regulated voluntary health insurance scheme that will need 300,000 to 500,000 subscribers to have "a strong degree of sustainability". The scheme is outlined in a 108-page document titled "My Health, My...
農業、漁業及環境保護部剛剛公佈了2008年香港珊瑚礁檢查的結果,該調查告訴我們,香港的珊瑚是“健康的”。這官方公告提供的信息很少,主要是說其(未解釋的)珊瑚健康評級與去年大致相同。 然而完整的新聞稿有更多信息,並表示許多志願潛水員一直在努力收集數據。
CTgoodjobs is Hong Kong's top recruitment site for part time and full time jobs, offering interview tips, career info, resume and CV templates.
Lau Siu-kai, a consultant with the Chinese Association of Hong Kong and Macao Studies, a Beijing-based think tank, said that the SAR government has actively driven Hong Kong's industrial shift, backing emerging sectors such as innovation and technology, over the past year. ...
Develop Hong Kong as the "capital of creativity" to foster and support the development of local culture and creative industries; Develop Hong Kong as the "capital of pop culture"; Improve the quantity and quality of hardware to facilitate the development of the cultural and creative industries; ...
The Hong Kong Financial Services and Treasury has reported that crypto does not pose a particular threat in money laundering and financial terrorism.