Hong Kong Estate Agent 香港地產網 Hong Kong Property 香港置業 Midland Holders 美聯集團 Inauspicious Abode 凶宅 / 兇宅 買家在銀行的網上物業估價系統輸入屋苑單位資料,即可獲得粗略估價; 銀行會將全港凶宅的資料列入不會公開的黑名單,如果銀行指單位估價出現問題,或未能顯示估價,可能代表單位是凶宅。 就以...
To make a Request to Access and Correct, please contact Consumer Services at 2341 2356 (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region) or 021 2994 8800 (Indonesia) or 1 800 81 4963 (Malaysia) OR 800 8523 663 (Singapore) or 0809 079 888 (Taiwan region) or 0 2715 6100 (Thailand) or 400 810...
For further details you can also visit the Hong Kong Government Immigration Department’s websitewww.immd.gov.hkOpen a new window In order to allow sufficient time for Indian travellers to obtain a pre-arrival registration, the online platform for pre-arrival registration has been opene...
Helps Hong Kong business connect to a world of opportunities – linking you to the Chinese mainland, Asia and beyond through our network of 50 offices worldwide.
Vietnamese Consulate General in Hong Kong, Hong Kong 15th Floor, Great Smart Tower 230 Wan Chai Road Wan Chai Hong Kong Telephone Number: (+852) 2591 4510 / 7 Fax Number: (+852) 2591 4524 (+852) 2591 4539 Email: vnconsul.hongkong@mofa.gov.vn ...
2/F, Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2824 6111 Fax: (852) 2877 7711 Email: enquiry@immd.gov.hk Website: www.immd.gov.hk/eng/services/index.html Address of the Beijing Office: No. 71, Di'anmen Xidajie, Xicheng District ...
https://www.legco.gov.hk/yr19-20/english/subleg/sub19_146.htm Further information on transit arrangements, pilot guideline, requirements and calculation of costs will be advised as and when announced by parties concerned. Ben Line Agencies Hong Kongoffice is pleased to attend and assist in ar...
For customers of Airwallex Hong Kong If you are located in Hong Kong, you have legal rights in relation to the personal information we hold about you (to the extent permitted under applicable laws and regulations). You are entitled to make a subject access request to receive a copy of the...
(HKSAR) government on Friday expressed gratitude for measures rolled out by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) to further expand mutual access between the capital markets of the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong, as well as to encourage leading mainland enterprises to list in Hong Kong...
based on the room rate provided by the property. This may affect your total accommodation costs. We recommend you read the Hotel Accommodation Tax details before booking. For more information, please visit the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department website (https://www.ird.gov.hk/eng/faq/hatq....