The industry insiders pointed out that the improvement in economic momentum in the fourth quarter was largely due to a series of favorable measures introduced by the central government. Among them, the implementation of the multiple-entry permit policy for Shenzhen residents traveling to Hong Kong in...
Since the outbreak of COVID‑19 pandemic, Hong Kong’s economy has fallen into a deep recession, and its GDP will record a negative growth again in 2022. Looking into 2023, risks and opportunities coexist. There are dawning signs of an end to the pandemic, and Hong Kong is resuming cus...
They expressed optimism about Hong Kong's economic growth and the government's initiatives to drive innovation. As a global financial center, Hong Kong shall maintain its unique advantages, they said.RELATED STORIES CGTN roundtable of young global entrepreneurs in economic partnerships Video ...
Examines the economic conditions of Hong Kong as of August 2000. Impact of the expected growth in gross domestic products on the economy; Changes in consumer price inflation; Effects of the strengthening of domestic demand on unemployment and interest rates; Increase in gross fixed investments....
市场资讯 – 亞洲 M亚a洲in经la济nd增C长hin温a和an回d升Hong Kong Economic Outlook 2023 年第 4 季亚洲经济体的复苏势头持续改善. 亚洲整体通胀压力缓和,各国央行维持利率稳定. 鉴于市场对美联储于 2024 年 3 月减息预期降温,2024 年 1 月亚洲货 币兑美元普遍贬值. 亚洲经济体复苏势头...
(Chart 9). More locally still, a survey conducted at the October 2023Hong Kong Electronics Fair(autumn edition) further underlined the likelihood of a potentially stable or improved export outlook for 2024. This saw some 39% of respondents anticipating that their sales volumes would increase in ...
經濟研究 2022 年 11 月 市場資訊 – 中國內地 經M濟ain表la現nd進C一hi步na復a甦nd Hong Kong Economic Outlook 第 3 季經濟從受疫情打擊的谷底恢復 儘管內地經濟仍受疫情,房地產市場持續調整及全球經濟放緩困擾,但隨着 政策力度加大,內地經濟從第 2 季受疫情打擊的谷底反彈.短期而言,工業 生產及基建投資...
Expressing a neutral sentiment towards the 2024 economic outlook According to the survey, more than half of the respondents express a neutral forecast for the economic outlook of Hong Kong (55.6%) and Mainland China (50.8%), w...
Hong Kong’s Talent Shortage Challenge Hong Kong is currently facing a critical talent shortage, a challenge that has become increasingly pronounced in recent years. The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce’s Talent Shortage Survey for 2023 reveals that a staggering74% of employers in the region...
October 25 2023 Hong Kong slashes property stamp tax to revive economy John Lee announces $2,556 cash handouts for new parents in bid to boost world’s lowest birth rate October 24 2023 Hong Kong developer declares end of ‘golden era’ for housing profits ...