Every year, thousands of amateur and professional cyclists from around the world enjoy Hong Kong's unique cityscape as they speed past skyscrapers, vying for glory.
In a fast-paced city like Hong Kong, there’s always something new happening. From new attractions to upcoming events, there’s never a dull day in Hong Kong.Hong Kong Cyclothon The Sun Hung Kai Properties Hong Kong Cyclothon is back on 22 October 2023! Come join thousands of enthusiastic...
October 24, 2023 06:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time HONG KONG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--An annual outdoor sports gala, the “Sun Hung Kai Properties Hong Kong Cyclothon”, organised by the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB), concluded on Sunday (22 October). About 5,000 cyclists participated in the se...
Chris Froome除了參與香港單車節,昨天也有到訪新地全新的體育場地「西沙 GO PARK」,與一班小朋友騎平衡車,更與年輕車手交流,令他們畢生受用。 今年繼續有「環粵港澳大灣區城市自行車挑戰賽(香港站)- 新鴻基地產男子及女子公開組」賽事,一眾大灣區包括香港的車手,可以透過競賽提升水平,增進友誼。 新鴻基地產...
visitors tend to make up about 30 to 40 per cent of the attendance at the extravagant Chinese New Year parades while the tourist population stands at 40 per cent for the Hong Kong Sevens. Thirty per cent of attendees at both the Hong Kong Winterfest and the Hong Kong Cyclothon are...
林主席、各位來賓、傳媒朋友,大家好。歡迎出席「新鴻基地產香港單車節」發佈會。 好榮幸,新鴻基地產今年繼續成為「香港單車節」的冠名及慈善贊助商。雖然活動只是舉辦了短短三年,但在國際賽上已經建立一定知名度,在宣傳香港「動感之都」方面帶來好好的效果。這個活動,
(BUSINESS WIRE)--After a four-year hiatus, the Hong Kong Cyclothon successfully concluded at the roaring cheers from excited spectators for thousands of cyclists participating the cycling extravaganza on 18 December. It returned as one of the largest outdoor sports events in Hong Kong this year,...
Organised by the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB), the Hong Kong Cyclothon continues for the fifth year, with the return of the revolutionary international professional Hammer Series to take Hong Kong Cyclothon to a thrilling climax this October!
新鴻基地產香港單車節 - 30公里組(昂船洲大橋)第1部分 SHKP Hong Kong Cyclothon - 30 km Ride (Stonecutters Bridge) Part 1相簿的所有評論 hello, 可以pm原圖嗎? thomaskwok1 2302 天前 最新資訊 【港台電視32獨家直播】撐港隊出戰哈爾濱2025亞洲冬季運動會(亞冬運) by nicolekwok 2025-02-07 從不聞...
新鴻基地產香港單車節 - 50公里組(昂船洲大橋)第2部分 SHKP Hong Kong Cyclothon - 50 km Ride (Stonecutters Bridge) Part 2相簿的所有評論 Thanks Victor Cody6 2305 天前 Thanks Victor Albert Au 2302 天前 Thanks Victor Albert Au 2302 天前 ...