【Our Hong Kong Stories】【郑慕智:香港是多元国际枢纽】 团结香港基金(基金会)于5月17日举办最新一期"Our Hong Kong Stories"系列活动,邀请高露云律师行顾问、The Hong Kong Club Foundation主席、Voice ...
公司编号:2810741 股本:- 注册日期:2019-04-02 电话:- 邮箱:- 网址:- 地址: 48/F-49/F TWO EXCHANGE SQUARE CENTRAL HONG KONG 简介:American Club Foundation Hong Kong Limited -The-,成立于2019年,位于香港特别行政区。 展开 发票抬头 数据纠错 ...
American Club Foundation Hong Kong Limited -The- 企业英文名称 - 商业登记号码 70530144 企业注册号 2810741 成立日期 2019-04-02 企业类型 担保有限公司 企业状态 仍注册 注册地 - 办事处地址 48/F-49/F, TWO EXCHANGE SQUARE, CENTRAL, HONG KONG股东...
Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation (YAF) is a charity that provides high quality, non-competitive arts experiences for all young people aged 5 to 25. 香港青年藝術協會是一個非牟利的慈善機構,旨在為5至25歲的青少年提供高質素、非競爭性及費用全免的藝術活動。於19
Be part of One Bowl, One Promise, YAF's initiative to encourage consideration and kindness within our community.
As one of the finest sporting clubs in Asia, Hong Kong Football Club boasts superb facilities across a broad spectrum of competitive and recreational sports. One of the largest and most successful clubs in local sports competition, the Club also hosts to
JUMP CUT opens at the Hive. in Wanchai tonight. It then runs until Sunday 20 April, with screenings in pop-up venues all over Hong Kong – a residential rooftop, a shared workshop, an underground club and an artist hub. There are still a few seats left, so check out the schedule (...
Club Deposits helps you achieve your saving goals. A good foundation is your key to a prosperous future. You can make your deposit installments at designated periods in person or by autopay, and the Bank will credit the entire sum of principal plus inter
英文名称:ZONTA CLUB OF HONG KONG II FOUNDATION LIMITED 公司现状:仍注册 公司类别:担保有限公司 成立日期:2012-12-13 注册编号:1839010(点击查看企业详情) 历史名称:2012年12月13日 ZONTA CLUB OF HONG KONG II FOUNDATION LIMITED 注册日期列表 按最新注册日期排序,点击注册日期可以查看该日期最新注册的香港公司...