香港城市大学是一所公立研究型大学,成立于1984年。作为香港八所公立大学之一,城大以其卓越的学术水平、科研成果和国际化程度而闻名。 城大位于香港的中心地带,以创新精神专注于研究及专业教育两大领域,致力为全球议题寻找解决方案,并推动有益社会的转变。 城大设...
香港城市大学作为港八所中接受以六级成绩申请的院校很受大家的喜爱,那么在城大读书又会是一种什么样的体验呢?今天,我们就从校园环境,宿舍条件,学费,课程设置以及个人发展等方面全方位为大家介绍城大,希望能给想要申请的学弟学妹们带来一点帮助。 校园: 麻雀虽小五脏俱全,城大整个校园精致而紧凑,跟内地大学区别很大,...
Hong Kong’s multicultural hotspot Kowloon City is about as diverse as Hong Kong gets. Occupying the eastern half of the Kowloon peninsula, this district spans old neighbourhoods, leafy suburban enclaves, historic sites and the former Kai Tak Airport, which is now being redeveloped into a ...
香港城市大学位於香港的中心地段 - 九龙塘,交通方便,到旺角闹市和尖沙咀都只需十多分钟左右车程,加上它又与高级商场相连,生活消费和娱乐都非常便利。 再来談的就是城大的建筑。在许多人眼中,城大的建筑特色正好呼应它的校园风气:年轻丶创新丶活力。比方说我住的十一座學生舍堂就建了个非常新颖和有特色的平台花园,...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Hong Kong at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
During the 1950s to 1990s, the city-state developed rapidly, becoming the first of the "Four Asian Tigers" through the development of a strong manufacturing base and later a financial sector. Before the transfer of sovereignty to China in 1997, Hong Kong had been a British colony for nearly...
Hong kong the greatest city skyline in the world, a magical place to visit, I love it. NEIL JOSEPH, Portugal I feel as if I have passed on to the other side and am flying over Hong Kong in an altered state. It must be what Heaven is like... Thank you Paulette Kraljic, USA I...
🌟 香港城市大学(City University of Hong Kong,简称“港城”)的25Fall录取结果已揭晓,一场Offer雨席卷而来!全网统计,至少有30份Offer花落各家,主要集中在商学院和人文社科院,工程学院也有少数录取。今天,我们就来揭秘这波录取热潮中,究竟是谁脱颖而出?🎓 ...
Hello, Mr Cross. Thanks very much for joining us. The State Council has appointed John Lee as the city's new chief executive. He is the first chief executive elected under Hong Kong's revamped electoral system. What are your observations concerning the city's leadership shift this time?
Current Time in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Click here for theCurrent Time in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Like this location? Make it a Weather Favorite! Add Hong Kong to my favorites! Bookmark this location to check the time and temperature with forecast and current weather conditions in Hong Kong, Ho...