the way the thermostat controls the heating and cooling b When the system is calling for cool or is de-energized, but equipment during recovery from unoccupied to occupied the last function was cool. setting. During recovery, the control point ramps up at the c When the last function was ...
Yournewprogrammablethermostatisdesigned toprovideyouwithreliable,precisetemperature control.Whenyoufollowthesimpleprogram- minginstructionsinthismanual,yourthermostat automaticallycontrolsthetemperatureinyour home,savingenergyandallowingyoutoawake (orreturnhome)toacomfortablelevelofheating orairconditioning. Directquestions...
If you have a nonprogrammable thermostat, you'll be able to choose the room temperature, and the thermostat will cycle the heating/cooling system on and off to maintain it, but that's about it. If you want a new temperature, you have to set it manually. A programmable thermostat, on t...