Avoid planting honeydew melons near cucumbers, pumpkins or squash because cross-pollination might occur. This would create a fruit that is a crossbreed of the honeydew and the other vegetable. Honeydew melons are a popular melon that many gardeners enjoy growing and then eating. Gardeners will h...
Heatbrings out melons' sweetness, so make sure to plant them in a location that warms up early in spring and stays hot through the end of September. The south side of a fence or wall is ideal as the structure will absorb heat and light from the sun and reflect it back onto the melo...
Here we tell you how to buy and use the 10 main varieties, and describe 10 more unusual specialty melons.On page 73, we specify some flavor pairings that work well for simple presentations. Recipes beginning on page 142 are designed to show melons' versatility. But first you'll want to ...
Honeydew is annual, trailing, prostrate or rarely climbing herbs which grow best in full sun or diffused sun and normally prefers well-drained, dark, warm soil, with high organic matter content. Melons can be grown on heavier soils if well drained in which case raised beds may be beneficial...