East Denver Food Hub (EDFH) partners with small and mid-sized family farms, prioritizing support for farmers of color and other socially disadvantaged growers. Our mission is to uplift these farms by opening new market opportunities and building a resilient local food system. We are committed to...
For banks, Algomi creates a real time internal sales and trading bond information network using their own data to identify the best trade opportunities and enables real-time collaborations between sales, traders and investors. This delivers more effective execution of less liquid bonds and integrates ...
目前的IPFS及其激励层Filecoin项目,拓宽你的科技眼光,实现你的财富自由,更是机遇中的机遇!The current IPFS and its incentive layer Filecoin project will broaden your scientific and technological vision, realize your wealth freedom, and be an opportunity among opportunities!