Honeybees vs. Bumble Bees Honeybees and bumble bees are two of the most common species in the Mid-Atlantic. If you live or work near areas with an abundance of flowers, like gardens or fields, you may encounter these pests. While they may seem similar, there are many ways to tell the...
Although this is good for their colony and honey production, it can actually be a disadvantage in terms of pollination. Whereas honeybees will rush off to mine a certain pollen source, bumblebees will stay around, patiently working an extended area until it is fully pollinated. Bumblebee Vs....
Honeybees are more slender in body appearance, have fewer body hairs and wings that are more translucent. The tip of their abdomen is more pointed. Aggressiveness In general, honeybees and bumblebees are not overly aggressive when protecting their nest. However, both will readily sting to defen...
Honey bees and bumble bees respond differently to inter-and intra-specific encounters. Apidologie 44, 621-629.Rogers, S. R., P. Cajamarca, D. R. Tarpy, and H. J. Burrack. 2013. Honey bees and bumble bees respond differ- ently to inter- and intra-speciÞc encounters. Apidolo- ...
CThe assumption that individual bumblebees, unlike honeybees, no longer communicate with one another after they have learned which flowers are rewarding is probably correct. DIt has long been assumed that bumblebees do not need to communicate with one another, because they are very good at find...
Bumblebees are important pollinators of many crops and wild flowers and there are both conservation and economic reasons for taking action to assess the impact of pesticides on bumblebees. Pesticide risk assessments for honeybees are based on hazard ratios which rely on application rates and toxic...
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Honey bees process nectar into honey by active evaporation on the tongue and passive evaporation involving nest ventilation and fanning behaviour, as well as enzymatic action. The elimination of excess water from nectar carries considerable energetic costs. The concentration of the nectar load is assume...
Beneath polycarbonate the bees did not return to their hives, neither beneath double layered (zigzag) nor single plane covers. The results indicate that polycarbonate should not be used for crops which need pollination 展开 关键词: honeybee bumblebee greenhouse ultraviolet transmission orientation ...
es , and Sweat Bees Honey Bees , Bumble Bees , Carpenter Bees , and Sweat BeesHoney Bees , Bumble Bees , Carpenter Bees , and Sweat BeesWright, RussellMulder, PhilReed, HalHoney, AfricanizedApis, Bee