Bee Natural Honey © We harness the goodness of wild grown flowers to share that Nature’s always known. Rich Pure, Natural Honey, Bee Honey Straight from the bee hive to you.
Manage a hive of his own! Antiseptic One of the oldest known antibiotics, honey can be traced back to ancients times when the Egyptians used it as a natural antibiotic and skin protectant (in fact they even preserved their corpses with the liquid gold). Hydrogen peroxide, flavonoids and bee...
News! Honey is being reinstated as an antibiotic for treating cuts, burns, insect bites, eczema and psoriasis, and fungal infections.
It is a natural antibiotic, revitalizing agent, aphrodisiac, anti-stressor and hygroscopic fluid with excellent tissue healing potential. In the recent past, there has been a growing interest amongst doctors, nurses, pharmacologists, researchers and apitherapists in exploring and discovering the hidden...
Anti-Microbial:Honey is a natural antibiotic that can act both internally and externally. Honey has been used for over 2,000 years as a treatment to remove bacteria from wounds and heal burns. Boosts Energy:Honey is an excellent source of natural energy. With just 17 grams of carbohydrates ...
Honey has been used for nutritional and medicinal purposes for millennia. However, contemporary concern about antibiotic resistance has led to a resurgence in interest in honey as a wound treatment for acute and chronic wounds. Honey is a natural, acidic, hyperosmolar, viscous sugar solution that...
Honey is more digestible thananyother sweetener, natural or artificial. This is because it is 'predigested' by our bee friends and also contains vast amounts of enzymes and probiotic bacteria. As a result, raw honey is easier on the body and doesnotcause a huge insulin surge like refined ...
Amith K, Richa K, Anjana K, Manoj KK (2005) Indian honey: a natural pro- duct with antibacterial activity against antibiotic pathogens. An in vitro study. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 8, 190-193A. Kumar, R. Kaushik, A. Kashyap, M.K. Kashyap, Indian honey: a natural product...
Honey contains lots of healthy compounds, polyphenols included, highly beneficial to our bodies. We’ve heard this a lot: honey is good, it has antioxidants, vitamins, enzymes… “It’s a natural antibiotic” – all honey sellers will tell you that, even if they don’t even know what...
Providing the best quality honey, we uphold our promise to maintain pristine hives, going the extra mile by keeping our hives free fromchemicalsand antibiotics. Pure, natural honey at its best! Shop Now The H.O.H Mission We believe in honest harvesting. All of our honey is antibiotic and ...