but it's just like when it comes to me, it's like, 'Well, Alana I can't do nothing for you, I don't have the money.' And she knows she's got the money. Like
The Bookhunter on Safari—It may strike you as curious, as it certainly strikes me, that in over three years of blogging about visits to other booksellers, I have never yet had occasion to describe this operation in reverse... Read More... ...
Judging from your OP, it seems like you'd fit the bill perfectly and maybe enjoy working on it. I'm a patient man and can wait if needed, but I'd like to know if you'd be interested ahead of time. Rates are entirely negotiable and I'm willing to raise the starting rate if I'...
Today has been a rather melancholy and solemn day for me. When the anniversary of Jane Austen’s death comes up every year, I rarely mark it on AustenBlog or anywhere else (though I did this year). To me, it’s not something to be celebrated. If Austen had lived her full threescore...
"I'm not afraid," she said."Look here," said he, "here's my match-box, but don't strike a light among the straw. The door into the house is locked and the key's on this side of the door. Can you come to the back door and lock it after me, and then find your way back...