But while Honey Boo Boo may be used to the TV spotlight, she tells GoodHousekeeping.com that being front and center on DWTS Juniors has easily been "one of the harder things" she's ever done. In particular, learning how to count to the music while twirling and shuffling tripped t...
Honey Boo Boo hasn’t been on a great roll at the pageants lately. She’s lost a few. That’s why they got her the pig. And a new pageant coach who is — wait for it — also ridiculously obese. The new dance number for Alana has her trying to beElvis. “Do you know who Elvi...
Honey Boo Boo Trapped In Kansas City BlizzardIt appears that whenever Alana ‘Honey Boo’ Thompson comes home to Georgia from Colorado, she drives. Her longtime boyfriend, Dralin Caswell is by her side but she rarely flies. It does make sense given that she likely wants to have the freedom...
I’m not Jewish but sure do love Jewish breads and sweets, and I thought it was a cool coincidence that today happens to be Rosh Hoshanah. Anyway, I used a recipe from King Arthur Flour that I was happy with (though I’d agree with you about the ‘cake-like’ thing; I found it...