Bumble bees versus honey bees: A comparison of pollination success in Oregon cranberriesKim Phillips
Communication also occurs between bees while foraging. Both bumblebees and honeybees can distinguish between rewarding and nonrewarding flowers of the same species without sampling the reward available. When doing so, they are often observed to hover by and "inspect each flower, accepting some and ...
honeybees appear to be doing better at getting those resources and the bumblebees have less," said Wojcik. "Their colonies can be smaller, they make fewer baby bees, they make fewer queens...that’s where the research has basically stopped.” ...
Despite the negative terminology, smoking doesn’t directly harm the bees. All it does is trick them into thinking there’s a hazardous fire nearby, triggering the bees to go into lockdown, filling their bellies with honey to preserve it for the future. Being overly full makes the bees incr...
密码: 在线时间:周一至周日 ·Beijing Office 联系电话:010-53398560 官方电邮:email us Online主页 我们非常重视与您的通话与会谈。 请在通话或会面前,提前与我们进行预约,以免不周。感谢配合。 SUBSCRIBE「知乎、B站」 @官方知乎@官方-B站@官方小红书 The highly eusocial honey bees and stingless bees Honey bees (Apini) and the closely related Meliponini, colloquially referred to as stingless bees, have been companions of mankind for almost as long as locusts. Their origin and social organization has been narrated in picturesque myt...
We uncovered differences in the contribution of queen- and worker-biased genes to adaptive evolution in bumble bees versus honey bees. Unlike honey bees, where worker-biased genes are enriched for signs of adaptive evolution, genes experiencing positive selection in bumble bees were predominately ...
Here we take a different approach by studying the risk mitigation strategy employed by honey bees as they travel between their nest and a food source. When a honey bee forager leaves her nest, she carries with her a small amount of food in her crop to use as fuel on the outward journey...
It is possible that our study investigating queen flights cannot be directly compared to these studies due to differences among investigations regarding female caste (queen versus worker), model species (honey bee versus bumble bee), experimental treatment (neonicotinoids thiamethoxam and clothianidin vs....
I love identifying bees because I like puzzles and mysteries. To me, it’s fun to figure out what I know versus what I need to know to identify a species. But even if you plan on identifying nothing but honey bees, it pays to know what parts count and which parts you can do withou...