The honeybee has been semi-domesticated since the time of the ancient Egyptians, but it wasn’t just familiarity that determined this choice: the bees’ biology is in many ways suited to the kind of agricultural system that was emerging. For example, honeybee hives can be closed up and ...
which farmers turned to as the ability of wild pollinators to service crops declined. The honeybee has been semi-domesticated since the time of the ancient Egyptians, but it wasn’t just familiarity that determined this choice: the bees’ biology is in many ways suited to the kind...
which farmers turned to as the ability of wild pollinators to service crops declined. The honeybee has been semi-domesticated since the time of the ancient Egyptians, but it wasn’t just familiarity that determined this choice: the bees’ biology is in many ways suited to the kind ...
in the United States, where CCD was first reported and has had its greatest impacts, hon-eybees are not a native species. Pollination in modern agriculture isn’t alchemy, it’s industry. The total number of hives involved in the U.S. pollination industry ...
The honeybee has been semi-domesticated since the time of the ancient Egyptians, but it wasn’t just familiarity that deter-mined this choice: the bees’ biology is in many ways suited to the kind of agricultural system that was emerging. For example, honeybee hives can be closed up and ...
Honey bees in trouble Can native pollinators fill the gap? ARecently, ominous headlines have described a mysterious ailment, colony collapse disorder(CCD),that is wiping out the honeybees that pollinate many crops. Without honeybees, the story goes, fields will be sterile, economies will...
Honeybees in Trouble Can native pollinators fill the gap? A. 最近,新闻标题读起来都让人觉得不详(ominous headlines),这是因为一种叫做蜂群衰竭失调(colony collapse disorder CCD)的神秘疾病(ailment)。这种疾病杀死了(wipe out)很多给农作物授粉(pollinate)的小蜜蜂。没了蜜蜂,土地日益贫瘠(sterile),经济逐渐崩...
honey bees in trouble雅思阅读Honey bees in trouble Honey bees are an essential part of our ecosystem and play a crucial role in pollinating crops and plants, ensuring their successful growth and production. However, there has been a significant decline in the number of honey beesworldwide, ...
In fact,Australia exports native Queen bees to a large number of countries because of this(Q23). When the European Honey Bee was first discovered out in the bush, we found they made really unpleasant honey and they were also too big to pollinate many of our native flowers here in ...
剑桥雅思8Test2听力Section3答案解析 Honey Bees in Australia 剑桥雅思8听力第二套题目第三部分由4道单项选择和6道单句填空构成。虽然题型上与目前雅思听力考试的Section3不太一样,但难度却十分相似。除此之外,与蜜蜂相关的话题一直都是听力考试中的常客,大家做完之后记得总结一下相关词汇。