The best raw Honey and Creme Honeys! Award-Winning, Small-Batch, Flavored Creamed Honeys, Premium Honey Toffees, Honey Butters, & Honey Ice Cream Toppings, WOW
*Vanilla Bean Ice Cream *Gummy Eyeball Cupcake Toppers (Wal-Mart) or Candy Eyeballs *Keebler Grasshopper Mint& Fudge Cookies *Red Sparkle Gel, Wilton In individual chilled glass cups, add a scoop of ice cream and line with vertical “blood” lines with the red gel, as desired. Then add ...
Honey consumption and imports have increased in recent years, and it is considered by consumers to be a healthy alternative to more commonly used sweeteners. Honey contains a mixture of polyphenols and antioxidant compounds, and the botanical origin and